Dog playing flute
The Kundalini Yoga Workshop

The Kundalini Yoga Workshop

The Kundalini Yoga Workshop combines daily Kundalini yoga classes with meditation sessions and spiritual walks in nature. We follow the seven chakras ritual and each day we concentrate on a different chakra. 

Kundalini Yoga is a distinctive practice about increasing your life energy and awareness. The underlying idea is that everything is connected. The whole universe lives within you, and at the same time you are a small part of the big picture. During the Kundalini Yoga Workshop, you will be guided through a series of exercises combined with matching meditations. Each series is called a “kriya” — the combination of different “kriyas” and techniques make each class unique. Each session is based on “kriyas” that the group or individual most needs. 

Elmira became a Kundalini Yoga teacher in 2014, when she obtained different Kundalini Yoga certificates. Since then, she has apprenticed with a variety of teachers globally. Her shamanic touch makes her Kundalini Yoga sessions even more special. 

7-day workshop, 3 hours each day | Min. 3 people | 6500€ (all meals included)