Dog playing flute
The Detox and Spiritual workshop 

The Detox and Spiritual workshop 

The Detox and Spiritual workshop is the quickest method to transition into a totally new way of life, surrounded by expert assistance and others who want to do the same. 

During the Detox and Spiritual Workshop, you will enjoy a few days of purification with healthy fresh and organic juices, detox drinks, and superfoods that, when combined with treatments such as spiritual coaching, yoga, and healthy hydrotherapy, will make it easier for your body to purify the overload of toxins that inevitably accumulate over time. Devote a few days to helping your body keep its daily rhythm without depleting energy reserves, which will lower your chances of suffering from decay and disease processes in the long term. 

Elmira will show you how to tap into your inner resources and become competent at dealing with your own internal energy so that you may become healthy, full of vigour, cognitively and emotionally balanced, and spiritually connected. Meanwhile, Mia will plan your detox getaway, which aims to increase your energy levels and cleanse your body like never before. Get rid of toxins and impurities that are producing sluggish and fatigued behaviours, and are causing physical and mental health issues. Refresh your body on a whole new level. 

3-day workshop, 6 hours each day | Min. 3 people | 4000€ (all meals included)